




Tree care?

A walk in the park in the coldness and dormancy of winter, but yet again the 'tree care' team has been unnecessarily busy in the park…leaving a trail of disfigured trees in their wake (some have been removed in totality). The park looks, for the most part, strikingly ugly – few mature tree forms have escaped. Even the ground looks acutely barren as the autumn leaves were removed. Many of the paths stink of the artificially produced mulch that has been spread liberally about and, as one walks along, is rather unpleasant to breathe in.

Another winter Sunday afternoon. The sun is out and the trees sawn-off branches stand aloft starkly. It's unexpectedly mild and the park is busy, but in keeping with the brutality of the tree hacking, a domestic dog tears after a squirrel and – unusually – this time the squirrel doesn't skillfully escape. The dog's owner is shouting out loudly, but to no avail. The dog is steadfast, totally intent on the kill – it runs excitedly in circles with the squirrel dangling between its jaws. The squirrels alarming and distinctive distress calls fill the immediate vicinity and beyond, easily audible over the ordinary park soundscape, although mixing in with the screams of child's play. And then absent… I continue my walk around the park, but this brief entry-moment of horror lingers, along with the hacked trees that also accompany me.